Signature Style Name Necklace

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Create Your Unique Signature Style Name Necklace Today!  

Experience the luxury of personalized elegance with our Signature Style Name Necklace. Crafted with precision and care, each necklace is designed to reflect your unique identity. Choose from a variety of high-quality materials and fonts to create a piece that truly represents you. Whether it’s for yourself or a loved one, our name necklaces are the perfect way to make a statement.  

looking for Something Unique and Special

Perfect Gift for Her

  • 18k Solid Gold Plated

  • Non Tarnish

  • Hypoallergenic


My Name is So Cute

I was thrilled with my Signature Style Name Necklace from Mirhajewels. The premium quality materials and craftsmanship are evident in every detail. It's not only beautiful but also hypoallergenic, which is great for my sensitive skin. I love that I could choose the font and material to make it truly my own. It’s a timeless piece that I can wear with any outfit. Highly recommended

Maria Santos

Dubai, UAE


Discover what makes us Invaluable

Benefit one

Our signature style name necklaces are crafted using only the finest materials, ensuring durability and lasting beauty

Benefit two

We understand the importance of comfort and safety, especially for those with sensitive skin. That's why our necklaces are hypoallergenic, made with materials that are gentle on the skin and free from harmful irritants.

Benefit three

 Each necklace is lovingly handcrafted by skilled artisans with years of experience and expertise. From concept to polish, we meticulously craft every detail for top-tier craftsmanship.  

Benefit four

Our necklaces are specially treated to be non-tarnish and rust-free, preserving their beauty and luster for years to come. Whether you wear it daily or occasionally.
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Make Every Moment Special ✨ 

Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace
Signature Style Name Necklace

Signature Style Name Necklace

section.settings.txt_value Dhs. 199.00

section.settings.txt_discount 50%

section.settings.txt_price Dhs. 99.00

Signature Style Name Necklace

Introducing the Signature Style Name Necklace, a timeless and elegant piece designed to add a personal touch to your jewelry collection. This stunning necklace features an 18k gold plated finish that offers a luxurious shine and superior durability. Expertly crafted to...

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • 20 Inches
  • 22 Inches
  • 24 Inches
Limited only

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How to Personalize


Choose Your Name

Enter your desired name into our customization tool, ensuring correct spelling and desired capitalization


Select Font Style

Browse through our selection of font styles to find the perfect look for your necklace. Whether you prefer elegant script or bold block letters, there's a style to suit every taste.  


Select  Color & Chain Length

Select your choice of color either gold or silver. Also, select chain size from 20, 22, or 24 inches option. If you want longer Simply specify your desired length in the notes section.

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What our customer say?

The Signature Style Name Necklace I ordered for my daughter’s birthday was a huge hit! The personalized design made it a unique and thoughtful gift. I appreciated the fast delivery and the beautiful packaging that came with it.

Ana Mendoza

Our customer

I’ve received so many compliments on my signature name necklace! It’s such a classic and elegant piece. it take 7-8 days for delivery but it worth it. Thankyou!

Devon Lane

Our customer

Excellent customer service and a stunning product! I had a few questions before ordering, and the support team was very helpful and friendly. My necklace arrived in beautiful gift packaging, perfect for the special occasion I had in mind.

Carlos Reyes

Our Customer

The quality of the Necklace is outstanding, and it’s comfortable to wear all day. I appreciate that it’s hypoallergenic and safe for my skin!

Lourdes Garcia




Frequently asked questions

  1. 1. How do I customize my necklace?  

    To customize your necklace, simply enter your desired name, select your preferred font style, and choose your chain length using our easy-to-use online customization tool.  
  2. 2. Is the necklace hypoallergenic?  

    Yes, our necklaces are hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. They are crafted with materials that minimize the risk of irritation or allergic reactions.  
  3. 3. Can I choose a different chain length than the options provided?  

    Absolutely! While we offer standard chain lengths of 20, 22, and 24 inches, you can request a custom length by specifying your desired measurement in the notes section during checkout.  
  4. 4. How long does it take to receive my personalized necklace?  

    Typically, our personalized necklaces are crafted, shipped and delivered within 7-8 working days except any uncertainty. 
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